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2020 - HR Stuff You Should Know

Writer's picture: Amanda EricsonAmanda Ericson

Updated: Mar 5, 2020

Cheers to all of you business leaders out there! Way to get through the end of 2019! We know how hard you work, the hours you put in to get the job done and be prepared to start the next year on the right foot. So here we are, a little over a month into the new year, feeling refreshed, relaxed, poised and ready to take charge of this year from a prepared and patient mindset. And we know, you are laughing out loud, right to your computer/phone/tablet screen. We know this is not the case for most companies out there. We know the term "busy season" is no longer applicable; it is now all year, 24/7. We know business leaders are working to stay relevant, to stay up with the changes in their businesses, to stay in compliance, to stay minutes ahead of our inbox emails and scheduled meetings.

We know. We work with you day in and day out and we know what challenges are in store for the business leaders today.

For that reason, we are sending you a quick list of things we think you should be ready for, be using, have updated or review this next year. This will likely have changes, but for now, here is a little tidbit on what we think you should know of what is to come (or has come) in the world of human resources.


New 2020 W-4 - that's right!

This is now out and ready to be used. If you haven't been waiting on bated breath for this new form to come out - please let us be the first to share with you ... this isn't your Grandparent's W-4 Form. Be prepared. This form is different. Gone are the times of single exemptions. No longer can you claim 0 or 3 and be on your way. This form is different. Here is a link to the new form.

Comments we have heard:

  • This form is hard, it takes too long and I don't know what method to use!

  • I feel like this is taking forever to work through, and I need my W-2, my last paycheck stub and my entire tax portfolio - and the one for my spouse too!

  • This form is great - it allows us to predict our tax situation more accurately, so it is more likely we will not owe money at the end of the year/not get a refund at the end of the year. Which can be a good thing, so that I don't have my money tied up in the Government, and instead could be being used in an interest/money earning method instead.

Regardless of which side you land on, we suggest the following. Connect with folks or tools which can help walk you through the form, and definitely connect with your tax advisor for advice on your specific needs.


New I-9 Form

It has been updated! Finally, we have new updates to the I-9 Form, which for the most part, hasn't changed in the paper form. Aside from the new updated expiration date of 10/31/2022, changes to this form are minimal and you should be able to move through it fairly easily if you were comfortable with the previous version of the form. Here is a link to the new form here.

The online version does have some changes and updates, and we think when you can, it is always a good idea to use the I-9 widget (downloadable to your computer) for completing these forms to minimize errors in documentation.


Workforce Resources

We have had an opportunity to become more involved with the Weld County Workforce team over the past couple of months! If you aren't aware, the Weld County Workforce Team has many different resources available to the community, and they work with great effort to help direct how the workforce will shape into the future. This includes a lot of community involvement, employer outreach, collaboration with other community resources (like AIMs Community College), and local K-12 schools. Through its work, the workforce team has built and administered different resources, focused workgroups, and tools, all to support the community, both employers and prospective workers alike.

We want to highlight a few of those resources for you here:

OSHA Training - NOW Being Offered! Do you need OSHA certified employees? This could be a great option for you! At just $25 per certification, plus the cost of taking the course ($8/hour for every hour it takes to run through the course - typically between 10 - 14 hours), you could have your certification in hand! AND, if you hire someone who is already set up and working with the Workforce Employment Services team, this can be received at NO cost to the Employer. Please let us know if you are interested in learning more about how to take advantage of this program through Weld County, and we will be happy to introduce you to the right team member. More information about the certifications available here at this link.

Job Fair Coming SOON! The Young Adult Job Fair is coming on March 11, 2020. The Job Fair is being hosted at Island Grove Regional Park, from 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm. The prospective employees attending this event will be ages 15 - 24. Don't miss out on meeting this group of young professionals looking to grow their careers! For more information and details on this event, click on this link here.


HR Specific Events

Looking for some ways to connect with other HR individuals for networking, or new learning opportunities coming to the NOCO area? We have some events in the works for you!

HRx Services sponsored event - With new legislation being implemented into the workplace, 2020 and 2021 for the HR Profession is sure to be full of changes. Some changes take place very soon, so keeping this on the backburner, may not be the best strategy. New workplace laws will have significant impacts on business in Northern Colorado, even if you only have 1 employee. Colorado's Equal Pay for Equal Work Act and the new COMPS order will prove to be business changing for many organizations in Northern Colorado. For example, meal and rest period management and pay will change, salary exemption levels will increase from the Federal benchmarks, and the exemptions will have more categories to review. For that reason, we are planning an event where we will have knowledgable professionals come to meet with our clients and friends to explain more about what BIG changes are in order. Date and Time TBD, just putting on your radar for now.

February 12, 2020 - NCHRA Luncheon - The Curiosity Instigator

March 11, 2020 - NCHRA Luncheon - How to Create a Coaching Culture within your Organization

March 25, 2020 - Day at the Capitol - COSHRM Advocacy Day - Listen and participate in special presentations from top political leaders as well as prominent state officials. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

April 24, 2020 - Evolution of HR NCHRA Biennial Conference - The conference will focus on growing HR excellence by bringing HR professionals and company leaders together to learn from excellent speakers on current HR topics, with an opportunity to gain  SHRM & HRCI recertification credits (pending approval for 5.25 credits).

May 13, 2020 - DisruptHR - Northern Colorado - Once in a while an event series is born that shakes things up, it makes you think differently, it leaves you inspired. That event is DisruptHR. 10 speakers, 5 minutes each, and slides rotate every 15 seconds. Teach us something, but make it quick.

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