Just released at the start of the week we have some new guidance we know will affect most of our clients, and anticipate many of the businesses here in Northern Colorado. Find the updated Public Health Order here.
A few key parts of the PHO are listed below:
All individuals currently living within the State of Colorado are encouraged to stay at home or in the vast, great outdoors and avoid unnecessary interactions whenever possible in order to reduce the spread of disease.
Work Accommodations. Employers must provide reasonable work accommodations for people who are at risk of severe illness from COVID-19 who are still under the Stay at Home advisement, such as telecommuting. Employers are encouraged to provide reasonable work accommodations for individuals who reside with or are caring for people who are at risk of severe illness from COVID-19, or facing child care needs while schools remain closed
“Vulnerable Individual”, also known as an individual at risk of severe illness from COVID-19, means:
Individuals who are 65 years and older;
Individuals with chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma;
Individuals who have serious heart conditions;
Individuals who are immunocompromised;
Pregnant women; and
Individuals determined to be high risk by a licensed healthcare provider.
Additionally, there are workplace outlined guidelines that are informative for employers to be working through in their own organizations and consider for their own operational processes and procedures.
Outbreak Definitions
Preventing Outbreaks
Coordinator at Work
Employee Symptom Log
Critical and Non-Critical Employee Guidance
Contact Tracing Information
Safety Guidelines
Ventilation and Water Systems guidance
Social Distancing
Face Masks
Reporting and Mitigating Outbreaks
Active screening
Sick Policies supporting isolation and stay at home processes
Sanitation and Cleaning Processes
Contact Tracing

To learn more about Return to Work best practices as well as Safer at Home requirements, please join us for a Zoom webinar, hosted by Weld County Employment Services next Thursday, June 11th. We will review what companies should know now while navigating this ever-changing workplace environment impacted by COVID-19.