Take a few moments to review the opportunities to learn more about the community, partnerships available to employers in Northern Colorado, and chances to grow in your knowledge in workforce support, development, and engagement.

National Disability Employment Awareness Month - Employer Week 2020 starts 10/26/2020 - 10/30/2020.
The Business Relations Unit (BRU) of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) is excited to announce its inaugural Employer Week for National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) 2020.
The goal of Employer Week is to provide interested individuals with disabilities, service providers, and community partners who also serve individuals with disabilities, with the opportunity to interact with and hear directly from business partners who would like to work with the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and provide opportunities for workers with disabilities across the State.

Below are some links to help companies and organizations utilize opportunities provided by the state and local workforce teams to help your business grow and flourish.
Colorado Department of Labor and Education (CDLE) - Apprenticeship Events
Employment Services of Weld County - Resource Page for Business Services
Weld County Economic Impact Report - Statistics on Weld County Economic Information
Colorado Workforce Development Council - WIOA and other Resources Information
Human Services Advisory Commission - Annual Achievement Summary - 2019

In HR we live by checklists. And the 4th Quarter is one of our favorite times of the year? No! It can be one of the most challenging times of the year when working through year-end, benefits renewal, and other "to-do" items required for closing out the year. For that reason, it is time for our annual HR Checklist (not all-inclusive) post!
Check below for some good information on your year-end checklist!
October - November - Calendar year employee benefit plans Open Enrollment timelines
December 7th - Medicare enrollment closes
January 1st - new Equal Pay for Equal Work Act (EPEWA) requirements go into effect for the state of Colorado.
January 1st - Healthy Families Workplaces Act (HFWA) requirements go into effect for the state of Colorado.
January 1st - New COMPS Order #36 requirements are starting and adjustments should be made for salary thresholds up to $40,500.
January 1st - Minumum wage for Colorado increase $12.32 per hour.
January 31st - Form W-2 due out to employees
February 28th - ACA 1094/1095 (B/C forms) filing is due to the IRS (if under 250 forms and use paper filing)
March 2nd (extended from January 31st) - ACA 1095 (B/C forms) are due out to employees
March 31st - ACA 1094/1095 (B/C forms) filing is due to the IRS (if electronic filing)
Checklist for Fun!
We thought with daylight savings just around the corner, Sunday, 11/1/2020 for those curious to know, we would provide a general household checklist that you may benefit from using OUTSIDE of your professional life! Check this information out for monthly checklists and household items to be done on a monthly basis - NOVEMBER checklist.

Stay Informed!
We value being community partners in our Northern Colorado community. We feel working together as a community will help our region to thrive in our businesses and have a positive impact on the lives of those living and working in Northern Colorado. Please find our events calendar which has many different opportunities to connect and engage with our local community partners. You can find those resources on our events page located HERE.
Thank you for taking some time to review our updated information. We wish you the best in working through the 4th Quarter!