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4th Quarter Blues

When it comes to the end of the year, we always experience a sense of closure. Probably for a lot of reasons. It is the end of Summer and Fall starts to creep in, stealthy in its changes. It starts to get colder, the sun is slower to rise, and that combination makes getting out of bed nearly impossible. Halloween is around the corner, and the leaves are starting to change color, which means the holiday season is upon us and Costco already has Christmas trees out!

On the business end, we start looking at the end of the year. This means we are working through closing out the successes in the business, projecting our year-end, looking to next year and putting new budgets together and planning holiday parties. And in the HR world, we have one other thing on our minds, compliance.

Generally, the start of a new year means new regulations, and laws. It means closing out and reporting on the end of the previous year and sharing information with regulatory agencies galore. So, for all of our HR folks out there - here is a quick list (not all-inclusive, and dates may change) of reminders for ending out this year and starting the next.

  • September 1st - Ban the Box begins for employers with 11 employees or more (For the first two years, the Act will only affect employers who maintain 11 or more employees. Starting September 1, 2021, the Act will apply to all employers, regardless of employee count.)

  • September 30th - EEO-1 Component 2 Reporting Due

  • October 15th - Medicare Part D notifications deadline

  • October 15th - Medicare enrollment opens

  • October - November - Calendar year employee benefit plans Open Enrollment timelines

  • December 7th - Medicare enrollment closes

  • January 1st - new FLSA requirements go into effect

  • January 1st - the start of the new CO legislative session - paid family leave will again be a hot topic

  • January 31st - W-2 due out to employees

  • January 31st - ACA 1095 reports are due out to employees

We are with you, all of our HR friends out there, you are not alone in meeting deadlines and planning holiday parties! Here's to a great 4th Quarter!

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